Happy Healthy Me works with schools to help young people eat better and enjoy food.

We offer a range of programs aimed at improving children's nutritional intake, improving the body image and self esteem of young people and reducing the risk of dieting and disordered eating.

Food Club

Food Club is a school-based program to help primary school children eat and enjoy vegetables and fruit.

The program was developed by Tania Ferraretto, Accredited Practising Dietitian and founder of Happy Healthy Me and Neville Nichols School Canteen Manager and Cook.

The program runs for between six and eight weeks with one lesson provided per week per class. Each class also receives a minimum of two cooking sessions and a range of recipes.

The program can be offered per class, per year level or to the entire student community.


Assessment of children's food likes and dislikes is completed before, during and after the Food Club program is implemented. 


Food Club is designed to be fun and interactive with lots of opportunity to explore, taste and cook food. 


Feedback from students, parents and teachers has been very positive with outcomes including children's: 

· increased liking for vegetables and fruit 

· improved willingness to try new foods 

· greater interest in vegetables and fruit

· wanting to be more involved in meal planning and cooking 

· improved food knowledge

We also offer a consultancy service to school canteens, teachers and parents to improve children's nutritional intake and relationship with food.